BiKE Lab
Seoul National University
Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
서울대학교 의생명지식공학연구실
The main objective of the Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Laboratory at Seoul National University (SNU BiKE) is to develop tools and methodologies for representing, acquiring, processing, analyzing, and managing knowledge and data for healthcare services and biomedical research. The SNU BiKE lab collaborates with other renowned labs to build biomedical knowledge graphs of interest to research communities. Our lab devotes its primary research efforts in building real world applications by using Semantic Web technologies and machine learning in the e-Health and biomedical domain.
Recently we are exploring biomolecular targets to aid in the development and selection of drug candidates, and in the recommendation of compounds as optimized drugs. To do this, we are constructing a genomic NGS data analysis pipeline of patients while building semantically enriched bio-omics network data for gene-protein-drug interactions. Based on this, we will propose new drug candidates through machine learning from drug-target protein interactions, while reducing drug resistance and side effects.
Research Area
We are recruiting..
Post Doctoral/Research Professor, PhD Student, Master Student